Crédit-bail de Semi-remorque plateau MAX Trailer MAX410 The MAX410 with hydro-mechanical" steering, 9235731 - Truck1 Côte d'Ivoire

Crédit-bail d'un MAX Trailer MAX410 The MAX410 with hydro-mechanical" steering

MAX Trailer MAX410 The MAX410 with hydro-mechanical" steering en crédit-bail

Publié: 4mois 8jour(s)

MAX Trailer MAX410 The MAX410 with hydro-mechanical" steering  en crédit-bail MAX Trailer MAX410 The MAX410 with hydro-mechanical" steering: photos 1
MAX Trailer MAX410 The MAX410 with hydro-mechanical" steering  en crédit-bail MAX Trailer MAX410 The MAX410 with hydro-mechanical" steering: photos 2
MAX Trailer MAX410 The MAX410 with hydro-mechanical" steering  en crédit-bail MAX Trailer MAX410 The MAX410 with hydro-mechanical" steering: photos 3
MAX Trailer MAX410 The MAX410 with hydro-mechanical" steering  en crédit-bail MAX Trailer MAX410 The MAX410 with hydro-mechanical" steering: photos 4
MAX Trailer MAX410 The MAX410 with hydro-mechanical" steering  en crédit-bail MAX Trailer MAX410 The MAX410 with hydro-mechanical" steering: photos 5
MAX Trailer MAX410 The MAX410 with hydro-mechanical" steering  en crédit-bail MAX Trailer MAX410 The MAX410 with hydro-mechanical" steering: photos 6
MAX Trailer MAX410 The MAX410 with hydro-mechanical" steering  en crédit-bail MAX Trailer MAX410 The MAX410 with hydro-mechanical" steering: photos 7
MAX Trailer MAX410 The MAX410 with hydro-mechanical" steering  en crédit-bail MAX Trailer MAX410 The MAX410 with hydro-mechanical" steering: photos 8
MAX Trailer MAX410 The MAX410 with hydro-mechanical" steering  en crédit-bail MAX Trailer MAX410 The MAX410 with hydro-mechanical" steering: photos 9
MAX Trailer MAX410 The MAX410 with hydro-mechanical" steering  en crédit-bail MAX Trailer MAX410 The MAX410 with hydro-mechanical" steering: photos 10
MAX Trailer MAX410 The MAX410 with hydro-mechanical" steering  en crédit-bail MAX Trailer MAX410 The MAX410 with hydro-mechanical" steering: photos 11
MAX Trailer MAX410 The MAX410 with hydro-mechanical" steering  en crédit-bail MAX Trailer MAX410 The MAX410 with hydro-mechanical" steering: photos 12
MAX Trailer MAX410 The MAX410 with hydro-mechanical" steering  en crédit-bail MAX Trailer MAX410 The MAX410 with hydro-mechanical" steering: photos 13
MAX Trailer MAX410 The MAX410 with hydro-mechanical" steering  en crédit-bail MAX Trailer MAX410 The MAX410 with hydro-mechanical" steering: photos 14
MAX Trailer MAX410 The MAX410 with hydro-mechanical" steering  en crédit-bail MAX Trailer MAX410 The MAX410 with hydro-mechanical" steering: photos 15
MAX Trailer MAX410 The MAX410 with hydro-mechanical" steering  en crédit-bail MAX Trailer MAX410 The MAX410 with hydro-mechanical" steering: photos 16
MAX Trailer MAX410 The MAX410 with hydro-mechanical" steering  en crédit-bail MAX Trailer MAX410 The MAX410 with hydro-mechanical" steering: photos 17
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Publié: 4mois 8jour(s)

Numéro de référence

MAX TRAILER - MAX410 - 63143
Année de fabrication


Netherlands, Niederlande, Groenlo
pneus d’ avant

90, 445/65 R 22.5
pneus d’arrière

90, 445/65 R 22.5

Plus d'information

The MAX410 with „hydro-mechanical" steering is a 5 axle flatbed semi-trailer specialised in the transportation of crane components and weights. Manufacturer: Faymonville Typ: MAX410 5 Axle Building year: 2021 Chassis nr: YAMT45XXXL0105729 Suspension pneumatic Steering hydraulic steering Width 2.540mm 22.5" tires Always single tires Fifth wheel height loaded: 1,280 – 1,400mm Hydraulic front landing legs Row of stake pockets pluggable. Axles with pneumatic suspension, with drum brake, with lifting/lowering valve. Tire Goodyear 445/65 R 22.5 Top quality and long-lived protection against corrosion of the welded frame (standard steel grid blasted) guaranteed by - a 2 components of 2K zinc rich epoxy primer - a high quality 2 components 2K direct to metal top coat. Electric system conform to the EU-regulations lighting 24 volt ASPÖCK-NORDIK (ASS3). ASPÖCK-UNIBOX on the galvanised front connection ledge with socket 24N, 24S & 15 pole. Connection to the ISO norm. Reflectors (red or yellow) according to the EU regulation at the rear of the trailer. Yellow reflective tape according to the EU regulation over the entire length and at the rear. Landing gears JOST (mechanic) with 2 speeds, lifting capacity 24 t (50 t proof load). 2 wheel chocks with carrier. King pin 2". Storage for stakes in the central carrier . Red and yellow air couplings on the galvanised front connection ledge. Braking system WABCO following EU-regulations with EBS-E system, without connection to the truck Holder for one beacon light at the rear of the trailer. One galvanised steel headboard, height ca. 1,200 mm. On the right and left in the front area and at the rear of the trailer one holder for the warning boards and socket. CE (Declaration of Conformity). More detailed pictures / product movie on our website. Above specifications are subject to change without prior notice and subject to error

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